The importance of the APSD is that it enables us as public/civil servants to:

  • Reflect on the function of the public service: its mission, objectives, programmes and projects, challenges and successes;
  • Give recognition to and make known the importance of the civil service, its positive contribution and benefits to public servants, population, civil society and private sector and the government;
  • Motivate and encourage public servants to continue the good work done and to come up with new initiatives and innovations; and
  • Prepare the public service and administration for a better future by proposing change for the social well-being of the population.


Different OMAs/RCs, International Organisations and State Owned Enterprises, showcased their services, good practices and innovation through exhibitions at the event. The following institutions showcased and provided onsite services during the event:

    a) Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security
    b) Ministry of Health and Social Services
    c) Ministry of Urban and Rural Development
    d) Ministry of Works and Transport
    e) Office of the Prime Minister
    f) Anti-Corruption Commission
    g) UNDP Accelerator Lab
    h) University of Namibia
    i) Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management
    j) World Food Programme
    k) Roads Authority
    l) Ongwediva Rural Development Centre
    m) Okashana Rural Development Centre
    n) Ben-Hur Rural Development Centre
    o) The Jumper Namibia


The Africa Public Service Day is a strategic event on the African Union calendar;

  • The APSD initiative is part of the Continental strategy to boost public administration, programmes public sector performance and governance;

  • Emanating from the declaration of the first Pan African Conference of Minister of public service held in Tangier, Morocco in 1994, the ministers agreed that 23rd June every year should be celebrated as Africa Public Service Day to recognize the value and virtue of service to the community;

  • The Ministers declaration was reaffirmed in the Stellenbosch Declaration adopted at the 4th Pan African Ministers conference held in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

  • The aim of celebrating Africa Public Service Day is to recognise the role that the public servants of Africa play in the contribution to the effective and efficient public service in Africa.

  • During these celebrations, the Namibian government intends to recognise the achievements of individuals and teams in the public service that deliver results by showcase innovation, excellence, professionalism and initiative to raise the image of the public service.

  • United Nations subsequently declared 23rd June (globally) as the United Nations Public Service Day.

  • Namibia, like many African countries, celebrates the Africa Public Service Day which is hosted on the 23rd of June each year since 2001.