Secreatry to Cabinet Dr. George Simataa address the APSD Celebration Day, at NIPAM,Khomas Region on 26-27 June 2024

OFFICIAL OPENING : The second day of the APSD celebration commenced with a joyful street Parade from Patrick Iyambo Stadium to NIPAM where official opening ceremony took place.

Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an African Union(AU) strategic event which celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June, this Year was Celebrated at NIPAM 26-27 June 2024, Khomas Region.

Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an African Union(AU) strategic event which celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June, this Year was Celebrated at NIPAM 26-27 June 2024, Khomas Region.

Scenes from OPM Exhibition Stall during the just ended APSD Celebration that took place at NIPAM from 26-27 June 2024, Windhoek.

Africa Public Service Sports Activities: Scenes from the street march that preceded the official opening of the APSD Sport Activities that started on the 24 June to 26 June 2024 at Delta Secondary School in Windhoek.

Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an African Union(AU) strategic event which celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June, this Year was Celebrated at NIPAM 26-27 June 2024, Khomas Region

Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an African Union(AU) strategic event which celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June, this Year was Celebrated at NIPAM 26-27 June 2024, Khomas Region

Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an African Union(AU) strategic event which celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June, this Year was Celebrated at NIPAM 26-27 June 2024, Khomas Region

Scenes from OPM exhibition stall during the just ended APSD that took place at NIPAM from 26-27 June 2024

PUBLIC SERVICE DAY – Today, Namibia launched its celebrations for the Africa Public Service Day (APSD) 2024 in Windhoek, NIPAM
The Africa Publi Service Day (APSD) Celebration is an Africa Union (AU) strategic event which is celebrated by all member states every year on 23 June.As an AU member state, Namibia has been celebration the APSD annually.
The celebration aims to recognize the value and virtue of services to the Community, serve as a platform for Public and Civil Service to showcase and reward good initiatives and Achivements in the Public sector, Provide an invaluable opportunity for public servants to promote values such as professionalism,accountability,responsiveness,ethics, Unity and performance in the delivering of Public Services.
Empowering a Citizen-Centric Public Service for an Inclusive and Thriving 21st Century Africa: A Journey of Life Leaning and Technological Transformation
- Cultivation Innovative Mind-set in the public sector through fostering Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Enterpreneurial Skills
- Lifelong Learners, Leading Thinking,Cultivating a Culture of Continuos Learning and Thought Leadership in the Public sector;
- Capacitating Management Development Institutions for the 21st Centrury to secure a Pipeline for Agile and Future Ready Leaders.... Read More...

The 2024 APSD Celebrations will be held from 26-27 June 2024, in Windhoek at NIPAM
The main event on the 27 of June 2024 will be proceded by a series of outreach activities during the 26-27 June 2024. Additional activities include showcasing/exibition of products and serves by instituitions related to lifelong education and training.Technological innovations, career fairs by academic instituitions, staff wellness and other activities aligned with the Main Theme and Sub-themes

COMMEMORATION OF THE AFRICA PUBLIC SERVICE DAY (APSD) 2023, KATIMA MULILO, ZAMBEZI REGION 24-27 JULY 2023. The Government of the Republic of Namibia through the Office of the Prime Minister has hosted the 2023 Africa Public Service Day (APSD) Commemoration at the UNAM Campus.Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region, from 24-27 July 2023.The event will be commemorated under the theme"The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will require a fit for purpose African Public Administration to Succeed.”
The African Public Service Day (APSD) is a special day for Public Servants and Public Service Organizations which is commemorated on 23rd June of every year by the African Union (AU) member states to mark and recognize the role of public sector organizations and their positive contribution and benefits to communitiesas well as civil society and private sector for their contribution towards national development efforts
The event will be characterized by various activities such as the official opening by the Prime Minister, Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, topical discussions, presentations by various experts, exhibitions of government services to the public, recognitions awards, wellness and sports. Some institutions will be showcasing their innovations and reform initiatives. ....

The Africa Public Service Day Celebration is back! The Office of the Prime Minister, in Collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Accelerator Lab Namibia, is hosting the 2022 Africa Public Service Day (APSD) celebaration in Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region on 23 June 2022. The APSD Celebration is an African Union (AU) strategic event which is celebarated by all AU member States on 23 June every year.
This year Cabinet approved the APSD Celebration 2022 under the theme:"Enhancing the Resillence of the Africa Public Service Administration to support and facilitate the realization of Africa's nutritional needs during and post COVID-19 Pandemic
The Event which will be preceded by the Creative Bureaucracy Design and the Amazing Race in partnership with the UNDP, from 21-22 June 2022